
Kranabetter, J., Carpenter, C., Tchemeube, R. B., Pasquier, P., & Thorogood, M. (2022). Audio Metaphor 2.0: An Improved Classification and Segmentation Pipeline for Generative Sound Design Systems. In Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference. Saint-Étienne, France. 

Thorogood, M. (2021) Developing a Sound Design Creative AI Methodology. Doing Research in Sound Design, 224-237. Focal Press.

Fan J., Yang Y-H., Dong K., Pasquer, P. (2020). A Comparative Study of Western and Chinese Classical Music based on Soundscape Models. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain.

Fan J., Nichols E., Tompkins D., Méndez A. E. M., Elizalde B., Pasquer, P. (2020). Multi-label Sound Event Retrieval Using a Deep Learning-based Siamese Structure with a Pairwise Presence Matrix. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Barcelona, Spain.

Thorogood, M., Fan, J., Pasquer, P. (2019), A Framework for Computer-Assisted Sound Design Systems Supported by Modelling Affective and Perceptual Properties of Soundscapes. Journal of New Music Research.

Thorogood, M., & Pasquier, P. (2019) Soundscape Online Databases State of the Art and Challenges. In Foundations in Sound Design for Interactive Media: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 333. Routledge.

Thorogood, M. (2019) Soundscape Generation Systems. In Foundations in Sound Design for Interactive Media (pp. 259-273). Routledge.

Fan J., Thorogood, M., Tatar, K., Paquier, P. (2018). Quantitative Analysis of the Impact on Perceived Emotion of Soundscape Recordings. Sound and Music Computing (SMC)

Fan, J., Tung, F., Li, W., Pasquer, P. (2018). Soundscape Emotion Recognition via Deep Learning. Sound and Music Computing (SMC), 2018

Fan, J., Thorogood, M., and Pasquier, P. (2017). Emo-Soundscapes - A Dataset for Soundscape Emotion Recognition. Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction.

Fan, J., Tatar, K., Thorogood, M., and Pasquier, P. (2017). Ranking-based Emotion Recognition for Experimental Music. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, 2017.

Thorogood, M., Fan, J., and Pasquier, P. Soundscape Audio Signal Classification and Segmentation Using Listeners Perception of Background and Foreground Sound. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. Special Issue (Intelligent Audio Processing, Semantics, and Interaction).

Fan, J., Thorogood, M., Riecke, B. and Pasquier, P. (2016). Automatic Recognition of Eventfulness and Pleasantness of Soundscape. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. Special Issue (Intelligent Audio Processing, Semantics, and Interaction)

Bizzochi, J., Eigenfeldt, A., Pasquier, P. and Thorogood, M. (2016). Seasons II: a case study in Ambient Video, Generative Art, and Audiovisual Experience. Electronic Literature Organization Conference. British Columbia, Canada.

Bizzochi, J., Eigenfeldt, A., Thorogood, M., and Bizzochi, J. (2015) Generating Affect: Applying Valence and Arousal values to a unified video, music, and sound generation system. Generative Art Conference. 2015. 308 - 318

Thorogood, M., Fan, J., Pasquier, P. (2015). BF-Classifier: Background/Foreground Classification and Segmentation of Soundscape Recordings. In Proceedings of the 10th Audio Mostly Conference, Greece.

Fan, J., Thorogood, M., Riecke, B., Pasquier, P. (2015). Automatic Recognition of Eventfulness and Pleasantness of Soundscape. In Proceedings of the 10th Audio Mostly Conference, Greece.

Eigenfeldt, A., Thorogood, M., Bizzocchi, J., Pasquier, P. (2014). MediaScape:Towards a Video, Music, and Sound Metacreation. Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 6, 2014.

Eigenfeldt, A., Thorogood, M., Bizzocchi, J., Pasquier, P. Calvert, T., (2014). Video, Music, And Sound Metacreation. xCoAx 2014, Porto, Portugal. 321-333, 2014.

Thorogood, M., Pasquier, P. (2013). Computationally Generated Soundscapes with Audio Metaphor. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Creativity, Sydney.

Thorogood, M., Pasquier, P. (2013). Impress: A Machine Learning Approach to Soundscape Affect Classification for a Music Performance Environment. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Daejeon + Seoul, Korea Republic.

Thorogood, M., Pasquier, P., Eigenfeldt, A. (2012). Audio Metaphor: Audio Information Retrieval for Soundscape Composition. In Proceedings of the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Copenhagen.